Friday’s Moon spends the day drifting toward a trine with anaesthetic Neptune in Pisces, providing a space in which to emotionally digest whatever insights or shocks […]
The Moon in Libra wanes away to almost nothing today. Meanwhile, no planet completes an aspect. Though the day is without planetary direction, little sparks flit […]
Though the day begins with the Moon’s crawl through the last degrees of Virgo, it reaches Libra by mid-day and then conjoins lovely Venus as evening […]
The Sun in balanced Libra sextiles organized Saturn today, offering a nudge, not a command, to bring things into right order. Meanwhile, the Moon, just barely […]
The Leo Moon makes a variety of aspects today, beginning with a conjunction with Rahu, the North Node, which kindles desire and ambition. Yet ambition may […]
There is little mandate from above, as neither the Moon, nor any other planet, completes an exact aspect today. There is one significant shift, and although […]
Jupiter enters Scorpio October 10th, beginning the planet’s 13-month tenure in the sign of the Scorpion. This ingress ends the series of Jupiter-Uranus oppositions which plagued […]
Thursday sees the Moon move through several exact aspects. The first is the Moon’s square with Mercury in Libra, which occurs just as the messenger completes […]
Mars in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius today, closing a vice which has been slowly tightening in the background for a week now. Together, Mars and […]
Jupiter enters Scorpio today, beginning the big planets 13-month tenure in the sign of the Scorpion. In Scorpio, Jupiter blesses bold journeys into the underworld, and […]
Mercury and the Sun, fresh from their conjunction, both complete their square with Pluto today. This configuration points to secrets, highlights power dynamics and inspires both […]
The day begins with the Moon in Taurus’ trine to Venus in Virgo, just as Venus perfects a square to Saturn. Emotional restrictions and boundaries are […]
Friday sees the Moon in Aries conjoin Uranus and oppose Jupiter, activating the excitable but destabilizing configuration for the last time. It is a call to […]
The Moon is attains maximum fullness in Aries today, just as Venus and Mars complete their conjunction in Virgo. This set of configurations concerns matters of […]
The Pisces Moon, hung over from yesterday’s configurations, stumbles through the day until its afternoon ingress into Aries. The Moon’s entrance into Mars’ sign, wherein it […]
Although Tuesday begins with the Moon’s dreamy conjunction to Neptune in Pisces, the day does not primarily possess a flowing or imaginative nature. Mid-day sees the […]
The Moon drops into Pisces with a sploosh early on Monday. Although after-images of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition float through the air, neither Luna nor any other […]
October begins with the Moon in Aquarius’ organized sextile with Saturn in Sagittarius. There is a detached quality to this configuration which provides for cool assessment. […]
There are several significant bits of celestial action this Friday. The first, and probably most important, is the Moon in Capricorn’s re-activation of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition. […]
Jupiter and Uranus make their final exact opposition today, offering up the final installment in a cycle which began during the last month of 2016. As […]
Jupiter and Uranus make their final exact opposition today, offering up the final installment in a cycle which began during the last month of 2016. As […]
The Moon spends the bulk of Tuesday’s daylight closing in a conjunction with Saturn in Sagittarius, which pulls the mind towards the performance of duty. Expectations […]
Monday begins as Mercury in Virgo completes a square with Saturn in Sagittarius. This aspect brings up obstacles to communication and delays travel plans. It afflicts […]