Tuesday proceeds in a vigorous manner, due to the Moon in Leo’s supportive mid-day sextile with Mars in Gemini. Tuesday is good for accomplishment, although the […]
The first day of May sees the Moon in Cancer make a square with the potent Mercury-Uranus conjunction, highlighting communication and cognition during the middle of […]
Though there are a few interesting sideplots, May’s primary story is undoubtedly a tale about Saturn and Uranus. The two planets complete a trine this month, […]
Sunday begins with a pleasant sextile between the nurturing Moon in Cancer and the steady Sun in Taurus. This accord between the lights lends the day […]
The Moon in Gemini aspects the Mercury-Uranus conjunction during the first portion of the day, re-activating the lightning rod. Shortly afterward, Luna moves into a rough […]
Friday’s skies host two significant events. The first is Venus’ re-entry into Aries, the site of her most recent retrograde. Here Venus strides back on to […]
Thursday’s daylight hours are host to a nice mutually received aspect between exalted Venus in Pisces and the Moon in Taurus — also in its exaltation. […]
Tuesday begins with the waning Moon’s conjunctions to Mercury and then Uranus in Aries, sparking conversation and ideas. After the Moon’s mid-day visit with these two […]
Saturday’s skies are quiet, leaving the oceans below to heave as they will. The only significant aspect is the waning Moon in Pisces’ mid-day conjunction with […]
Friday sees thinking and feeling potentially at odds, with manic mental influences contrasting with heavy emotional ones. The day begins with the waning Moon in Aquarius’ […]
There’s a lot happening Thursday. The day begins with an uplifting trine between the Moon in Aquarius and Jupiter in Libra. However, Pluto makes its annual […]
Wednesday is host to both the Sun’s ingress into Taurus and the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun. The Sun enters Taurus during the afternoon hours. […]
Day breaks with the Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, starting things off on a deep and potentially dark note. As the day lengthens, the mood becomes […]
Monday has a heavy, Saturnian quality, courtesy of the Moon in business-like Capricorn and the Sun’s trine with Saturn. There is a certain enthusiasm for organization […]
Today breaks on a set of potent aspects. The Moon trines the separating Uranus-Sun conjunction in Aries, striking a radiant spark. From there, the emphasis shifts […]
The first full day of Venus direct begins with the Moon in Sagittarius’ square with Neptune, which fogs up the early morning. Before long, though, the […]
There is little about Friday to distract from Venus’ long awaited direct station. Retrograde since March 4th, Venus is finally ready to begin making forward progress. […]
Thursday’s intensity is the perfect complement to Wednesday’s lazy flow. The Sun and Uranus conjoin in Aries, radiating a brilliant but unstable light across the day. […]
Wednesday’s skies contribute little to the stories in play, other than the Moon’s anaesthetic trine with Neptune in Pisces. Sit with things, or just watch them […]
Monday is host to potent Full Moon. Here the opposed Sun and Moon line up with the JupiterUranus-Pluto t-square which has volatized 2017. This lunation points […]
Sunday begins with the Moon’s ingress into Libra, blowing a lungful of fresh air into the ether. Saturday’s complications may still be present, but less immediately […]
Rough skies today. Retrograde Venus makes an emotionally heavy square with Saturn while the Sun squares dark Pluto. The potential for depression and displeasure is quite […]
Friday begins with the Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon’s trine with almost-retrograde Mercury in Taurus. Needless to say, this makes Friday prime time for Mercury retrograde hijinks. Yet […]
Thursday gets started with an innovative, if somewhat off-track, trine between the radiant Moon in Leo and electric Uranus in Aries. After mid-day, though, Luna moves […]