
March 19, 2013

Pivot Point

This week the Moon waxes while planets pile into Aries.  The Sun goes first, crossing the equinoctial boundary late Tuesday night.   Venus, not long behind, follows […]
February 19, 2013


The Moon waxes towards full this week, raising the tide waters of wyrding higher still. Monday dawns shortly after the Sun’s entry into Pisces and the […]
February 11, 2013

Lead Halo

A new lunar cycle begins with a serious week.  Mercury and Mars in Pisces spend the week in trines with Saturn in Scorpio, lending much of […]
February 5, 2013

At The Delta

  The Moon wanes over a transitional week.   Things begin with Mars’ undersea conjunction to Neptune in Pisces.  The pair is joined early in the week […]
January 29, 2013

At First, A Trickle

The Moon wanes away from fullness this week, which begins on a contradictory note.  An onerous Sun-Saturn square hangs over the first couple days- yet those […]
January 19, 2013

Mars: Friction

Mars is concerned with aggressive, vital energies, matters of attack and defense, conflicts, courage and hard work.  Although the planet‘s effect can be energizing, it touches […]
January 19, 2013

Planets: Our Little System

The bodies most often categorized as planets in modern astrology are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Planets? The clever […]
November 26, 2012

Full Circle

The week begins with a flurry of planetary activity.  Retrograde since election day, Mercury stations direct on Monday, righting communications.   The same day, however, Venus makes […]
November 5, 2012

Shifty Visions

The dark river we’ve followed up to this point begins to meander wildly, the sense of a clear path eroding.  Then the water begins to bioluminesce, […]
September 4, 2012

Energy Efficiency

September begins with the Sun in Virgo, shrouding the northern hemisphere with a harvest glow.  The Virgin Sun’s rays fall across the results of a difficult […]
July 23, 2012


The Moon waxes over another troubled week. Yet while the winds howl, clarity grows.  On Tuesday the Moon lends her force to the T-square between Uranus, […]
July 17, 2012


The season’s storms continue, and many get kicked up a notch.  Some walk perilous paths, certain of their purpose, cloaks wrapped tightly around them. Others watch […]